Thursday, 23 April 2015


Based on the works of Bilal Philips:

This post describes the genealogy and description of God, the Most Merciful as it is described in Surah Ikhlas.
It was revealed by Allah to refute beliefs attributed to Him by misguided people concerning His similitude, form, origin and offspring. For example, those who paint pictures or make statues of Allah are claiming similitude, those who worship others besides Him claim similitude, and those who attribute some parts of His creation to others besides Him claim similitude. However, nothing is similar to Him in His Attributes, His Dominion or His Divinity. Therefore, only He alone deserves to be worshipped by His creatures.
This is described in Surah Ikhlas (Chapter of ‘The Purity”) the verses of which are the following:
islam on Surah Ikhlas – Importance and Interpretation of the Quranic Verses
The translation and interpretation follows;
(1) Say: “He is Allah, One (the Unique)” This verse represents Allah’s own affirmation of His unique Monotheism, His inimitable Oneness. Thus, the first verse is a command to the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and whoever reads or recites this verse to affirm Allah’s Unique Oneness. He is one like whom there is no other. There are many unities in this world, but they all are not unique as each unity has others similar to them. For example, there is one Mount Everest, but there are other tall mountains similar to it. In the case of Allah, there is no other unity similar to Him. All other unities can be divided into parts, while Allah is unique in His Oneness and is as such indivisible.
(2) “Allah, the Self-Sufficient.” Allah’s uniqueness is realized in His self-sufficiency. On the other hand, all created beings have needs and are dependent on others to fulfill their needs. Allah is not in need of any of His creation in any way, as nothing they can do can better or benefit His already perfect state. This attribute of self-sufficiency invites the believers to reflect on the purpose and the goals of their worship. Most people worship as if they are doing God a favor. The purpose of human creation is to worship Allah because all human beings have a need to worship Him. He has no need for or from them. Human beings need to worship and glorify God because obedience to divine law is the key to their success in both this life and the next.
(3) “He does not give birth, nor was He born.” This verse describes another aspect of Allah’s Unique Oneness. False religions generally represent God in human terms by either giving Him human characteristics and or human form. This verse deals primarily with two distinct characteristics of human beings and other living creatures in general: coming into existence by being born and procreating by giving birth. “He (Allah) does not give birth,” because there is nothing similar to him. A child is made from portions (sperm and ovum) of the bodies of its parents which is why it is similar to its parents in form and characteristics. If God gave birth, there would be another god like Him, which His uniqueness has already negated. The Almighty also rejected the concept of having a child from the perspective that bearing offspring usually requires a female partner similar in form to the male. Allah also rejected offspring from the general perspective that it is not befitting, since to have a child would reduce him to the status of His creatures. This answers the question of those who claim that since it is agreed that God can do anything, He should be able to have a son if He wished. It is not befitting because it would make God like His creatures. Furthermore people have children out of a need for help to survive in this material world or out of the need for continued existence through one’s progeny. By describing Himself as self-sufficient, Allah also negated this possibility.
“Nor was He born” subtly rejects the notion that Jesus was God, because he was born. For God to be born, He must first have not existed, which contradicts the basic unique divine attribute of eternal existence.
(4) “And there is nothing equal to Him.” Allah closes the chapter with a restatement of the opening verse. If God is unique, nothing can be equal to Him. If nothing is equal to Him, then He alone is unique. If He alone is Self-Sufficient and all creation is in need of Him, nothing in creation can be equal to Him. If He does not bear offspring, nor did anyone or anything give birth to Him, nothing or no one can be equal to Him as every created being came into existence after a period of non-existence. Every created being has something similar to it, called its pair, or something resembling it, called its equal. If the Creator were from one or other of these species, He would have an equal and a similitude.
Thus, It was revealed by Allah to refute beliefs attributed to Him by misguided people concerning His similitude, form, origin and offspring. For example, those who paint pictures or make statues of Allah are claiming similitude, those who worship others besides Him claim similitude, and those who attribute some parts of His creation to others besides Him claim similitude. However, nothing is similar to Him in His Attributes, His Dominion or His Divinity. Therefore, only He alone deserves to be worshipped by His creatures.
The importance of this Surah is further evidenced by the following ahadith:
Muslim (811) narrated from Abu’l-Dardaa’ that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Is any one of you unable to recite one-third of the Quran in one night?” They said, “How could anyone read one-third of the Quran?” He said, “Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad is equivalent to one-third of the Quran.”
Muslim (812) narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Gather together, for I will recite to you one-third of the Quran.” So those who could gather together gathered there, then the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came out and recited Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad, then he went in. They said to one another, Perhaps there has been some news from heaven on account of which he has gone inside (the house). Then the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came out and said, “I told you that I was going to recite to you one-third of the Quran. Verily it is equivalent to one-third of the Quran.”

— End

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times

During hardships and calamities, it is natural to get swept away by the affliction of the moment. During such trials of faith, unless we are careful, Satan can inject fear and plant doubts in our hearts and minds. Our beliefs in such vulnerable states may become overpowered by feelings of the moment resulting in the dwindling of our faith. Some of us start questioning the fairness and wisdom underlying such divine decisions while others get mired in a blame game. All in all, we may find ourselves lost, helpless, and stalled finding it difficult to gather ourselves and move forward.
For such situations specifically and others in general, Islam teaches us to stay in control by hanging on to the Mercy and Grace of Allah. We pray that Allah keeps us safe from the challenges and trials of life, but as Muslims we should know and understand Quran’s message and the prophet’s guidance for handling tough moments in life. The following summarizes some of the key guidance related to this matter.
Do not feel helpless
Even when all doors appear to have been closed, as true believers we should never let feelings of helplessness succumb us. Consider the following hadith of the prophet (S. A. W. S.) and ibn Al-Qayyim’s commentary on that hadith:
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, although both are good. Strive to do that which will benefit you and seek the help of Allah, and do not feel helpless. If anything befalls you, do not say ‘If only I had done (such and such), the such and such would have happened,’ rather say: ‘Allah has decreed and what He wills He does,’ for ‘if only’ opens the door to the work of the shaytaan.” Narrated by Muslim (2664).
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: This hadeeth includes several important principles of faith, including the following:
Then he said: “and do not feel helpless”, because feeling helpless is contrary to striving for that which will benefit him, and it is contrary to seeking the help of Allah. The one who strives for that which will benefit him and seeks the help of Allah is the opposite of the one who feels helpless, so this is telling him, before what has been decreed happens, of that which is one of the greatest means of attaining it, which is striving for it whilst seeking the help of the One in Whose hand is control of all things, from Whom they come and to Whom they will return. If he does not attain what was not decreed for him, then he may feel either of two things: helplessness, which opens the door to the work of the shaytaan, so his sense of helplessness leads him to say “if only”, but there is nothing good in saying “if only” in this case, rather that opens the door to blame, panic, discontentment, regret and grief, all of which are the work of the shaytaan, so the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade us to open the door to his works in this manner, and told us to adopt the second option, which is looking at the divine decree and bearing it in mind, for if it was decreed for him it would never have missed him and no one could have prevented him from attaining it. Hence he said: “If anything befalls you, do not say ‘If only I had done (such and such), the such and such would have happened,’ rather say: ‘Allah has decreed and what He wills He does,’” and he taught him that which will benefit him in either case, whether he gets what he wanted or not. Hence this hadeeth is one which a person can never do without. [Source: Shifa’ al-‘Aleel (37-38).]
Revive Your Faith
As mentioned in the hadith above, a strong faith can help us to hold our heads high. When faith seems to be dwindling, we should get back to Quran and remind ourselves that only Allah can let us out of our ordeal and problems. You must, therefore, keep that faith and not let Satan instill thoughts that could weaken your faith. Allah says in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust. (Quran, Surah Aal-e-Imran: 160)
A strong faith can keep you focused on the fact that Allah alone ultimately controls all destinies and has power over all things. Remembering that fact alone at the moment of affliction can help you in conquering the pain and provide you hope and the energy to keep moving forward.
Believe in the Divine Decree
When facing difficulties, our weak faith can sometimes drive us to question the fairness of it all. In this context, we should remind ourselves that believing in al-Qadr (Allah’s divine will and decree) is one of the pillars of Islamic faith. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, it means belief in (1) Allah, (2) His Angels, (3) His revealed Holy Books (Quran, Bible, Torah, Zabur), (4) His Messengers, (4) Day of Judgment, and (5) to believe in al-Qadar (the divine decree) both good and bad. Allah also says in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
22. No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfooz), before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah.
23. In order that you may not grieve at the things that you fail to get, nor rejoice over that which has been given to you. And Allah likes not prideful boasters.
– Quran [Surah Al-Hadid, Verses 22, 23]
As part of that belief, we should, therefore, recognize that Allah does what He wills for reasons that are only known to Him. Any attempt to comprehend the wisdom of it all using our limited faculties, or to understand how our current situation fits in His overall plan can only lead us to erroneous conclusions resulting in increased frustrations .
We, as Muslims, should accept Allah’s Decree both as it manifests itself around us and in our lives. It should be a relief to us that only Allah is the master of our destiny and we are only going to be tested about whether we reacted to what befalls as true believers and Mo’mins, i.e. being patient in adversity and grateful in prosperity.
Ask for Allah’s Mercy and Grace for an Out from Tough Situations
As believers we should recognize that only Allah’s Grace and Mercy can deliver us from challenging situations. Allah tells us in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
“They after that you turned away. Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, indeed you would have been among the losers. (Quran, Surah Al-Baqara: 64)”
Another way to ask for Allah’s Grace and Mercy is by asking for His forgiveness and seeking repentance. Allah tells us in the Quran:
And (commanding you): “Seek the forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him in repentance, that He may grant you good enjoyment, for a term appointed, and bestow His abounding Grace to every owner of grace (i.e. the one who helps and serves needy and deserving, physically and with his wealth, and even with good words). But if you turn away, then I fear for you the torment of a Great Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection). (Quran, Surah Al-Hud: 3).
Stay Patient in Hard Times
One of the best remedies for tough times is to be patient. A state of patience requires that we not resort to complaining, and remember Allah often. We take this lesson from the story of Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) who went through various ordeals in life only to be rewarded with a large kingdom in his later years. Allah tells us in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
They said: “Are you indeed Yousuf (Joseph)?” He said: “I am Yousuf (Joseph), and this is my brother (Benjamin). Allah has indeed been gracious to us. Verily, he who fears Allah with obedience to Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by performing righteous good deeds), and is patient, then surely, Allah makes not the reward of the Muhsinoon (good-doers – see V.2:112) to be lost.” (Quran, Surah Yousuf: 90).
The Quran also says:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
Thus did We give full authority to Yoosuf (Joseph) in the land, to take possession therein, as when or where he likes. We bestow of Our Mercy on whom We please, and We make not to be lost the reward of Al-Muhsinoon (the good doers – see V.2:112). (Quran, Surah Yousuf: 56).
Remember Allah in Good Times
We know from the Quran that when we remember Allah in good times, Allah will help us in tough times. We learn that lesson from the story of Prophet Younus (A.S.) when he was swallowed by a whale. Out of His mercy, Allah finally relieved him out of that calamity. He tells us in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
143. Had he not been of them who glorify Allah,
144. He would have indeed remained inside its belly (the fish) till the Day of Resurrection. Quran (Surah As-Saaffaat)
To summarize, the next time when you are in a tough situation that may potentially test your will and faith, remember these points:
1.     Do not let yourself get to a point where you feel helpless
2.     Revive your faith by reciting Quran and ponder over Allah’s words
3.     Recall your faith in the Divine Decree
4.     Ask for Allah’s Mercy and Grace for an Out from Tough Situations (by making all the Dua that the prophet (s) taught us)
5.     Remember Allah in good times.
6.     Stay patient until Allah guides you out from the tough situation you are in.
Finally, let us not forget what Allah told us the following in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
“Say: ‘Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector).’ And in Allah let the believers put their trust” Quran (Surah Towbah: 51).
– End

 During hardships and calamities, it is natural to get swept away by the affliction of the moment. During such trials of faith, unless we are careful, Satan can inject fear and plant doubts in our hearts and minds. Our beliefs in such vulnerable states may become overpowered by feelings of the moment resulting in the dwindling of our faith. Some of us start questioning the fairness and wisdom underlying such divine decisions while others get mired in a blame game. All in all, we may find ourselves lost, helpless, and stalled finding it difficult to gather ourselves and move forward.
For such situations specifically and others in general, Islam teaches us to stay in control by hanging on to the Mercy and Grace of Allah. We pray that Allah keeps us safe from the challenges and trials of life, but as Muslims we should know and understand Quran’s message and the prophet’s guidance for handling tough moments in life. The following summarizes some of the key guidance related to this matter.
Do not feel helpless
Even when all doors appear to have been closed, as true believers we should never let feelings of helplessness succumb us. Consider the following hadith of the prophet (S. A. W. S.) and ibn Al-Qayyim’s commentary on that hadith:
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, although both are good. Strive to do that which will benefit you and seek the help of Allah, and do not feel helpless. If anything befalls you, do not say ‘If only I had done (such and such), the such and such would have happened,’ rather say: ‘Allah has decreed and what He wills He does,’ for ‘if only’ opens the door to the work of the shaytaan.” Narrated by Muslim (2664).
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: This hadeeth includes several important principles of faith, including the following:
Then he said: “and do not feel helpless”, because feeling helpless is contrary to striving for that which will benefit him, and it is contrary to seeking the help of Allah. The one who strives for that which will benefit him and seeks the help of Allah is the opposite of the one who feels helpless, so this is telling him, before what has been decreed happens, of that which is one of the greatest means of attaining it, which is striving for it whilst seeking the help of the One in Whose hand is control of all things, from Whom they come and to Whom they will return. If he does not attain what was not decreed for him, then he may feel either of two things: helplessness, which opens the door to the work of the shaytaan, so his sense of helplessness leads him to say “if only”, but there is nothing good in saying “if only” in this case, rather that opens the door to blame, panic, discontentment, regret and grief, all of which are the work of the shaytaan, so the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade us to open the door to his works in this manner, and told us to adopt the second option, which is looking at the divine decree and bearing it in mind, for if it was decreed for him it would never have missed him and no one could have prevented him from attaining it. Hence he said: “If anything befalls you, do not say ‘If only I had done (such and such), the such and such would have happened,’ rather say: ‘Allah has decreed and what He wills He does,’” and he taught him that which will benefit him in either case, whether he gets what he wanted or not. Hence this hadeeth is one which a person can never do without. [Source: Shifa’ al-‘Aleel (37-38).]
Revive Your Faith
As mentioned in the hadith above, a strong faith can help us to hold our heads high. When faith seems to be dwindling, we should get back to Quran and remind ourselves that only Allah can let us out of our ordeal and problems. You must, therefore, keep that faith and not let Satan instill thoughts that could weaken your faith. Allah says in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust. (Quran, Surah Aal-e-Imran: 160)
A strong faith can keep you focused on the fact that Allah alone ultimately controls all destinies and has power over all things. Remembering that fact alone at the moment of affliction can help you in conquering the pain and provide you hope and the energy to keep moving forward.
Believe in the Divine Decree
When facing difficulties, our weak faith can sometimes drive us to question the fairness of it all. In this context, we should remind ourselves that believing in al-Qadr (Allah’s divine will and decree) is one of the pillars of Islamic faith. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, it means belief in (1) Allah, (2) His Angels, (3) His revealed Holy Books (Quran, Bible, Torah, Zabur), (4) His Messengers, (4) Day of Judgment, and (5) to believe in al-Qadar (the divine decree) both good and bad. Allah also says in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
22. No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfooz), before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah.
23. In order that you may not grieve at the things that you fail to get, nor rejoice over that which has been given to you. And Allah likes not prideful boasters.
– Quran [Surah Al-Hadid, Verses 22, 23]
As part of that belief, we should, therefore, recognize that Allah does what He wills for reasons that are only known to Him. Any attempt to comprehend the wisdom of it all using our limited faculties, or to understand how our current situation fits in His overall plan can only lead us to erroneous conclusions resulting in increased frustrations .
We, as Muslims, should accept Allah’s Decree both as it manifests itself around us and in our lives. It should be a relief to us that only Allah is the master of our destiny and we are only going to be tested about whether we reacted to what befalls as true believers and Mo’mins, i.e. being patient in adversity and grateful in prosperity.
Ask for Allah’s Mercy and Grace for an Out from Tough Situations
As believers we should recognize that only Allah’s Grace and Mercy can deliver us from challenging situations. Allah tells us in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
“They after that you turned away. Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, indeed you would have been among the losers. (Quran, Surah Al-Baqara: 64)”
Another way to ask for Allah’s Grace and Mercy is by asking for His forgiveness and seeking repentance. Allah tells us in the Quran:
And (commanding you): “Seek the forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him in repentance, that He may grant you good enjoyment, for a term appointed, and bestow His abounding Grace to every owner of grace (i.e. the one who helps and serves needy and deserving, physically and with his wealth, and even with good words). But if you turn away, then I fear for you the torment of a Great Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection). (Quran, Surah Al-Hud: 3).
Stay Patient in Hard Times
One of the best remedies for tough times is to be patient. A state of patience requires that we not resort to complaining, and remember Allah often. We take this lesson from the story of Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) who went through various ordeals in life only to be rewarded with a large kingdom in his later years. Allah tells us in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
They said: “Are you indeed Yousuf (Joseph)?” He said: “I am Yousuf (Joseph), and this is my brother (Benjamin). Allah has indeed been gracious to us. Verily, he who fears Allah with obedience to Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by performing righteous good deeds), and is patient, then surely, Allah makes not the reward of the Muhsinoon (good-doers – see V.2:112) to be lost.” (Quran, Surah Yousuf: 90).
The Quran also says:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
Thus did We give full authority to Yoosuf (Joseph) in the land, to take possession therein, as when or where he likes. We bestow of Our Mercy on whom We please, and We make not to be lost the reward of Al-Muhsinoon (the good doers – see V.2:112). (Quran, Surah Yousuf: 56).
Remember Allah in Good Times
We know from the Quran that when we remember Allah in good times, Allah will help us in tough times. We learn that lesson from the story of Prophet Younus (A.S.) when he was swallowed by a whale. Out of His mercy, Allah finally relieved him out of that calamity. He tells us in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
143. Had he not been of them who glorify Allah,
144. He would have indeed remained inside its belly (the fish) till the Day of Resurrection. Quran (Surah As-Saaffaat)
To summarize, the next time when you are in a tough situation that may potentially test your will and faith, remember these points:
1.     Do not let yourself get to a point where you feel helpless
2.     Revive your faith by reciting Quran and ponder over Allah’s words
3.     Recall your faith in the Divine Decree
4.     Ask for Allah’s Mercy and Grace for an Out from Tough Situations (by making all the Dua that the prophet (s) taught us)
5.     Remember Allah in good times.
6.     Stay patient until Allah guides you out from the tough situation you are in.
Finally, let us not forget what Allah told us the following in the Quran:
islam on Keeping a Strong Faith During Tough Times
“Say: ‘Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector).’ And in Allah let the believers put their trust” Quran (Surah Towbah: 51).

Sunday, 12 April 2015

The Blessings of Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat-ul-Kursi, and Al-Baqarah’s Last Two verses

Surah Al-Baqarah is the longest surah of the Quran and the prophet (s.a.w.) highlighted many of its benefits in general and some of its specific benefits. For example, the prophet (s.a.w.) told us that its recitation in a house keeps the Satan away. Abu Hurayrah reports that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) said: “Do not make your houses like graves, for the Shaytan runs away from a house in which Surat al-Baqarah is recited” (narrated by Muslim, 780). As most of the spiritual ailments such as evil eye, jinn possession, and black magic are satanic in nature, keeping Satan away can also help both in the treatment of such conditions and as a preventive measure.

The Blessings of Aayat al-Kursiy

Ayat-ul-Kursi is verse 255 of Surah Al-Bqarah and is related to Allah’s throne. This Quranic verse has many blessings and is used for ruqyah treatment, the treatment of evil eye, black magic, and also for general and comprehensive protection.

islam on The Blessings of Surah Al Baqarah, Ayat ul Kursi, and Al Baqarah’s Last Two verses

The blessings of this verse is apparent from this hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah. He said:

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) put me in charge of guarding the zakaah of Ramadaan. Someone came to me and started grabbing (taking illegally) handful of the food. I took hold of him and said, ‘I will take you to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.).’ He said, ‘I will teach you some words by means of which Allah will benefit you.’ I said, ‘What are they?’ He said, ‘When you go to your bed, recite this aayah: “Allah! Laa ilaaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyoom (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists)…” [Surah al-Baqarah, 2:255]. Then Allah will appoint a guard for you who will stay with you and no Shaytan (devil) will come near you until morning.’ The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) asked me, ‘What did your prisoner do last night?’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, he taught me something, and claimed that Allah would benefit me by it.’ He said, ‘What was it?’ I said, ‘He taught me to recite Aayat al-Kursiy when I go to bed, and said that no Shaytan would come near me until morning, and that Allah would appoint a guard for me who would stay with me.’ The prophet (s.a.w.) said, ‘He told you the truth, although he is an inveterate liar. That was the Shaytan’ [narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3101; Muslim, 505].

The Blessings of Last Verses of Surah Al-Baqarah

The last verses of Surah Al-Baqarah are one of the most memorized and recited Quranic verses among Muslims and that is for a good reason. Consider the saying of the prophet (s.a.w.) about the last verses of the Surah.

“Whoever recites the last two verses of Surat al-Baqarah at night, it will suffice him’” (According to Abu Masood al-Ansaari and narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4723; Muslim, 807).

The Prophet (s.a.w.) also said the following:

“Allah inscribed a book two thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, from which the last two verses of Surat al-Baqarah were revealed. If they are recited for three nights, no Shaytan (devil) will remain in the house) (narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2882).This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ (1799).

islam on The Blessings of Surah Al Baqarah, Ayat ul Kursi, and Al Baqarah’s Last Two verses

285. The Messenger (Muhammad) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. (They say), “We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers” – and they say, “We hear, and we obey. (We seek) Your Forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all).”

286. Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned. “Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us (Jews and Christians); our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Maula (Patron, Supporter and Protector, etc.) and give us victory over the disbelieving people.” Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah (185:186)

– End

Asking Allah for Forgiveness for Our Sins

These two stories from the Prophet’s (S.A.W.S.) ahadith (sayings) shed light on Allah’s happiness when we ask Him for His forgiveness for our sins. The stories also show that Allah is always looking for ways to forgive his believing slaves – we just need to make that strong intention to look inward, recognize our sins, and then to repent for those sins and ask Him for His forgiveness.

In a popular hadith, Ibn Mas’ud narrated that the Prophet said:

“Indeed, Allah is more happy with the repentance of His slave than a man who stops in a barren, desolate land; with him he has his riding animal. He then goes to sleep. When he wakes up, [he realizes that] his mount (riding animal) is gone. He searches for it until he is on the verge of dying. He then says, ‘I will return to the place wherein I lost it, and I will die there.’ He went to that place, and he was then overcome by sleep. When he woke up, his mount (riding animal) was [standing] right beside his head: and on it was his food, his drink, his provisions, and the things he needed. (If we can imagine the happiness that this person would feel in a desolate land,) Allah is more happy with the repentance of his believing slave than the aforementioned man when he finds his mount and his provisions.”

[al-Bukhaari: 6308 ; Muslim: 2744]

Another hadith relates the following story:

“Among those who came before you was a man who killed 99 people. He then asked to be guided to the most prolific worshipper from the inhabitants of the earth, and he was directed to a monk. He went to him and told him that he had killed 99 people, and he asked whether it was possible for him to repent. The monk said, ‘No.’ The man killed him (the monk too), thus making him the 100th victim. He then asked to be directed to the most knowledgeable of the Earth’s inhabitants (for guidance on the same matter), and he was guided to a scholar. He went to him and told him that he had killed 100 people, and he asked whether it was possible for him to repent. The scholar said, ‘Yes, and who will stand between you and repentance. Go to such and such land, for in it dwell a people who worship Allah, so go and worship Allah with them. And do not return to your land, for it is indeed a land of evil.’ He left, and when he reached the halfway point of his journey, he died. The angels of Mercy and the angels of Punishment disputed with one another [in regard to his case]. The angels of Mercy said, ‘He came to us repentant, advancing with his heart towards Allah.’ The angels of Punishment said, ‘Indeed, he never performed any good deeds.’ Then an angel came in the form of a human being, and both groups of angels asked him to be the judge between them. He said, ‘Measure the distance between the two lands. Whichever land he is closer to is the land that he is closer to [in terms of being of its people]. They then measured the distance and found that he was closer to the land that he was heading towards, and so it was the angels of Mercy who then took his soul.”
[al-Bukhaari: 3470 ; Muslim: 2766]

We know that Allah does what He wills. So, as He wanted to accept the repentance of His slave, He made the case turn in favor of His repentant slave.

These stories serve as a lesson for all, and especially for those who continue to turn a blind eye on their sins. The important thing to remember is that the intention to repent must be planted in our hearts as soon as possible because no one knows when our final time is going to come.

Allah says in the Quran:

islam on Asking Allah for Forgiveness for Our Sins

“Say: O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surah Az-Zumar 39:53)

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