This Ramadan, as we
look at the state of Muslims around the world in general, we see that Muslim
suffering has reached levels it has never reached in living memory. In many
affected communities and countries, Muslims are being subjected to torture,
killings, persecution, and all forms of unimaginable suffering. With every
passing day, their plight does not seem to be getting any better. Images of
families with shattered homes, dead children, and faces traumatized from the
horrors of rape, hunger, and persecution are plastered throughout the media
channels. As Muslims, one cannot stop but wonder whether we are being punished
for our doings or if it is a test of our faiths. We also ask if something can
be done not only to alleviate the current sufferings but also to ensure that it
does not spread to engulf other Muslim communities.
This Ramadan we ought
to pause and reflect upon this condition of the people that share our faith.
We know both from
Quran and Hadith that in times of hardship we should persevere with
patience, prayers, and Dua. But it is also prudent that we inquire whether our
miserable situations are also due to our conduct unbecoming of a Muslim. Such a
conduct obviously tends to keep us preoccupied with the attractions of this
world distracting us in turn from Allah’s remembrance and subservience. It
then should come as no surprise to us that when we turn a blind eye to the
divine truths and warnings, we forfeit His blessings and mercy and pay a price
both in this world and the hereafter.
Relearn the Message of Quran
Let us then refocus at
this Ramadan and read and listen a bit more attentively to those divine truths
that Allah tells us in the Quran. With added devotion and dedication, we will
be able to hear and understand the Quran’s verses and Allah’s wisdom in those
direct messages to us. That will surely pave the way toward our transformation
and open up Allah’s gates for His mercy, forgiveness, and kindness, which we
need so desperately to be successful in this life and the hereafter. As we
ponder over those messages, we will also relearn what is really good for us and
that will enable us to reprioritize accordingly. Those messages will also
remind us that a soul that is forgiven and less burdened with sins can bring
more benefit to us than the one burdened with materialistic gains of this life.
As Allah tells us in the Quran,
‘Say: “In the bounty of Allah, and in His mercy; therein let
them rejoice.” That is better than what (the wealth) they amass.’ (Surah
Younus, 58.)
Relearning and
internalizing what’s good for us will also provide us with the spiritual fuel
that we need to motivate ourselves to do more good and to bring the Quran into
our lives rather than merely paying lip service to its messages and referring
to them as if they were superficial maxims. After all, unless we truly
understand what is good for us and how that relates to the truth, our purpose
in life, and our lives in general, how else can we get spiritually motivated?
salaf (righteous followers of the prophet) clearly understood and internalized
those divine truths and their behaviors clearly reflected that understanding.
Imam Ahmad records Abu Dardaa as saying: “If only you knew what you
will certainly see upon your death, you would never eat again a single bite out
of a craving appetite, and you would never again drink an extra sip of water
for the pleasure of unquenchable and insatiable thirst.”
Cleanse Our Lives of Sinful Behaviors
This Ramadan also
provides us the opportunity to pause and pay heed to those hidden sinful
behaviors that may have crept into our lifestyles. For many of us, despite our
indulgence in those sins, Allah has given us the respite to wake up and change
course. Let us not forget that Allah has told us in the Quran the following:
“And if Allah were to seize mankind for their wrong-doing, He
would not leave on it (the earth) a single moving (living) creature, but He
postpones them for an appointed term and when their term comes, neither can
they delay nor can they advance it an hour (or a moment).” Surah An-Nahl
So, let not the
comforts of our lives fool us into assuming Allah’s acceptance of our sinful
conduct. Instead, we should utilize our peaceful times and act with a sense of
urgency by reforming our behaviors and turning to Him in sincere repentance
lest the time comes unexpectedly and we are held accountable for our actions
both in this life and the hereafter by getting burdened with hardships.
us also remind ourselves that Allah has warned us that Satan who lurks in the
shadows is our worst enemy and is committed to detract us from Allah and His
message by making this life appear as an end all for our pursuits. Let us
reflect, ponder and become more aware of how Satan tricks us into rationalizing
our actions of bringing haraminto our lives and by pushing us to
compromise our values and ideals.
Worship Allah the Way He wants to be Worshipped
Let us use this month
to manifest our faith by worshipping Allah the way He wants us to worship Him.
We know from the Quran as well as prophet (s.a.w.s)’s traditions about the need
to exert ourselves more – both physically and spiritually – to manifest that
faith. We know that in this month the prophet (s) besides fasting during the
day, prayed for longer hours at night, exerted more in Allah’s dhikr and
remembrance, humbled himself in front of His Creator, and performed in a way
that showed His love and fear of Allah and special reverence for this month.
This Ramadan we, too, need to take the minutes and the hours from our schedules
to exert more in that worship so it can also help train us to do so during
other months.
Correct the Lies About Islam
This Ramadan let us
also remind ourselves of the harsh reality that we live in a world infested
with misinterpreted truths about Islam that are essentially just lies. Some of
these lies have come about by the evil intentions of some and others have taken
hold due to our inability to show the truth to others. Whether we have not
taken the initiative to correct those misconceptions because we lack enough
knowledge or because we choose to keep hiding in the shadows so as not to be
“controversial”, we must realize that as Muslims we have a duty to correct
those misconceptions. We can blame the evil mongers for spreading the lies but
we are to be blamed for letting those lies lurk unchallenged. Once we strive to
correct those misconceptions by educating ourselves more and by being bold, we
will also learn the shortcomings in our behaviors, providing us with the
opportunity to correct and improve ourselves.
Make Dua for Others’ Suffering
back to the suffering of the millions, let us do what we can this Ramadan to
provide them whatever help we can to alleviate their suffering. At a minimum,
we should make sincere Duas for the souls that are undergoing such trials. The
prophet (s) had told us in a hadith that “The supplication that gets
the quickest answer is the one made by one Muslim for another in his absence.” (Reported
by Abu Daw’ud and Tirmidhi.)
Finally, let us ensure
that we do not let this month go by without asking profusely for His mercy and
forgiveness because if we received even a portion of that, it would be better
than all that we accumulate in this world. To review the verse again, Allah
‘Say: “In the bounty of Allah, and in His mercy; therein let
them rejoice.” That is better than what (the wealth) they amass.” (Surah
Younus, 58.)
Let us pray that
Allah gives us the ability to do what He pleases and may He accept our
worship and good deeds in Ramadan!